비몽사몽 Dream of Beauty Dream of Death 그룹 멀티미디어 퍼포먼스, 이천공장미술제, 이천, 1999

BMongSaMong (Dream of Beauty Dream of Death)
Name : Group project
Year : 1999
Format : Multimedia performance
Duration : 55 min 00 sec
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Description :
This omnibus-performance is a result of a 1 year multimedia-performance workshop – Kaywon School of Art&Design in 1999.
It was a collaboration with students from the Kaywon’s mediaArt-special course, choreography, dancers and sound-composer from outside the school. Performed at Kaywon School of Art&Design and Cultural Center Ichon in November 1999.
The title BMongSaMong (dream of beauty/ dream of death) is a word-play as BiMongSaMong in Korean originally describes a state of mind between sleep and awakeness.
Stilll Cut

Part1 – Firm movie by Jeong HeeJeong “Dream of butterfly” Once upon a time, Confucius dreamed that he was a butterfly, flying about enjoying himself. He did not know that he was Confucius .
Suddenly he awoke, and veritably was Confucius again. He did not know whether it was Confucius dreaming that he was a butterfly, or whether it was the butterfly dreaming that it was Confucius .
Between Confucius and the butterfly there must be some distinction. This is a case of what is called the transformation of things.

Drawing of the concept

performed at
Kaywon School of Art&Design and Cultural Center Ichon in November 1999
Part1 – Jeong Heejeong
Part2 – Lim JongGyu
Part3 – Park InYoung
Part4 – Kim HongGook
Part5 – Oliver Griem
Part6 – Heo Jin
Part7 – Lee KyoungAh, Park SooYoung
Part8 – Rim ZiYoung
directed by
Oliver Griem
Andreas Abele
Christophe Charles
Kim SoYoung, Ji HyeMyoung, Jang SooMi, Meng EunAh, Park ChongHee, Kin NaEun, Han DokSoon, Park SooYoung, Lee KyoungAh
set production
Kim HongGook, Kim YoungGil, Kim KyeHyun, Lee ChaeYoung, Lim ChongGyu, Park SooYoung
Kim DongGi
Jin SeonAe
video production
Oliver Griem, Rim ZiYoung
documentation camera
Kim KeunJae, Kim HyoungSoo, Shim YoungJae, Moon Hee
produced by
Kaywon School of Art&Design MediaArt